Rules & Regulations

Members of the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center shall govern themselves by the following Code of Conduct:

  • Members shall treat others with courtesy and respect.
  • Members shall not use profanity, engage in the use of derogatory comments or use language that is abusive, threatening, loud, insulting or harassing.
  • Members shall not fight, encourage others to fight, bully or engage in disruptive behavior.
  • Members shall not damage or deface Center property.
  • Members shall not remove any property from the Center without permission from the Director.
  • Members shall not steal.
  • Members shall not bring alcohol, illegal drugs or weapons to the Center.
  • Members shall not engage in solicitation within the Center.
  • Members shall not make unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, physical or visual conduct of a sexual nature.

Any infraction to the above may be grounds for a verbal or written warning, suspension, or expulsion from the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center with all the rights and privileges thereof.

  • Members of the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center must be able to care for themselves independently while participating in Center activities.
  • Members must govern themselves by the Center’s Code of Conduct’.
  • Proper personal hygiene is expected from all members, i.e., daily bathing and clean clothing for health purposes and common courtesy for all members and guests.
  • The Center is not responsible for the security, damage or theft of any personal belongings or misplaced items within the Center or on its grounds.
  • All members, visitors and guests must sign their name at the Reception Desk upon entering the Center.
  • Members should always carry their Senior Center Identification Card.
  • All food and beverages must be consumed in the Dining Room area.
  • The Center is a family.  We do not support individualized programs that do not include all.
  • Smoking is prohibited inside the Center by City Ordinance.
  • The Center will not accept personal or social calls for members.  Emergency calls will be accepted.


  • The Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center in conjunction with the United States Department of Health and Human Services and the City of Plainfield’s policy prohibits discrimination in employment, services, and all related programs on the basis of color, race, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sex, age or handicap.


The Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center would like to thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation regarding the aforementioned.




Our members, guests, and friends may enter and exit the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center through the double entry doors located at the front of the building and through the rear door from the parking lot which leads you to the Reception area.  Physically handicapped individuals who park in the lot behind the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center near the kitchen door rear entrance may enter the Multi-Purpose Room through that door.

Center staff must be present any time the facility is in use and keys will not be distributed.



Each and every person who enters the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center building must sign in at the Reception Desk located at the front entrance.  Physically handicapped members who are parked in lot may enter through the back door near the kitchen and sign in at the table on the main floor.  This daily attendance procedure is extremely important because it allows us to locate and identify all individuals on any given day in the event of an emergency.  Additionally, a portion of the Center’s funding is supported by the number of people utilizing the facility.  We wish to thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.


To remain a member, you must have your membership renewed each year around the anniversary of your last registration.  There is no cost to recertify.


Donations and bequeaths to the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center are tax deductible for the purpose of computing income and inheritance taxes under the laws of New Jersey and the United States to the extent provided in those laws for donations.  For your convenience, a Senior Center store is located within our facility.  All contributions are to be made payable to:  “The Friends of the Center”

The non-profit 501c3 was established to support the City of Plainfield Senior Center.  This board meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month and the Friends help the Center by purchasing special items not covered in the Center’s budget.


The Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center receives Division on Aging funds.  Therefore, under the Older Americans Act, it has been mandated that agencies receiving these funds implement a client contribution policy to expand services.  The Plainfield Senior Center’s `Friends of the Center’ adopted a contribution policy for implementation at the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center as follows:

  1. Each client at our facility will be provided the opportunity to voluntarily make a monetary contribution when he/she initially signs up to become a member, or upon the member’s annual membership renewal.
  2. Privacy and confidentiality of clients who voluntarily contribute will be fully ensured.
  3. Clients who are unable to contribute will not be denied services.
  4. Funds collected through client contributions will be deposited into the `Friends of the Center’ non-profit bank account. Funds will be recorded by their treasurer and reported to the membership at the monthly meeting.


The Senior Center is an agency of The City of Plainfield, Department of Administration, Finance, Heath and Social Services.

We offer a wide variety of classes, programs, trips, and special events (all are listed in the Senior Outlook our monthly informational newsletter).  Every day at the Center there are people to socialize with.  Pool playing, cards, and checkers are just some of the daily activates.  Light refreshments are available at the center.

The Senior Center is a service center. Our goal is to give you the members the best programs. Your participation and ideas are always welcome to accomplish this goal.  Any programs initialed by members will be overseen and coordinated with the senior center Director and staff.

The Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center is not available for rental space.

Center staff must be present any time the facility is in use and keys will not be distributed.


The Plainfield Senior Center is a congregate dining site serving all members Monday through Friday.  The hot, midday meal consists of an entrée, vegetables, starch, bread, dessert and milk. The meals are low in sodium and contain at least 1/3 of the minimum daily nutritional requirements for adults.

The program is primarily supported by a generous grant from the Union County Division on Aging, as well as donations from private sources and public organizations supporting seniors 60 and older.  These members are asked to contribute a voluntary donation of $1.75 per meal.  Members 55 – 59 are asked to pay the full price of $4.00.  However, no participant is denied service due to inability to donate.


The Director and staff of the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center are here to assist you in every way possible.  In an effort to avoid backlogs and long waiting lines, we ask that you call our office at (908)753-3506 and make an appointment with the staff if you need help in processing applications such as Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD), Lifeline, Home Energy Assistance (HEAP) for heating/cooling, or for any questions you may have.

CALLING AHEAD FOR AN APPOINTMENT IS ESSENTIAL - The Application process is very time-consuming and we need to be sure you bring ALL pertinent information.  For example, PAAD applications can take from 30 to 45 minutes each, even when the applicant comes in with all of the necessary information.

When an applicant does NOT have all required information, another appointment must be scheduled which could delay the process by a week or more.

Please be advised that no applications will be processed without an appointment.

Your cooperation regarding this matter is greatly appreciated.  Should you have any questions, please call (908)753-3506.


Children are not allowed at the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center during regular daily activities.  Exceptions will only be made during approved special youth programs and volunteers.  In the event of a special program that children may attend at no time should a child be left unsupervised.

** By law, no children are allowed to ride on vehicles used and/or operated by the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center. **  


A listing of classes and other activities are published monthly in the SENIOR OUTLOOK.  Copies are always available at the Center.  Also available on request are extra large print editions of the SENIOR OUTLOOK.

A list of regularly scheduled events is available in Spanish, upon request


Your assistance is needed in remembering our sick friends.  If you should know of a Senior Center member who is ill and/or confined to their residence, please fill out a form and deposit it in the `Get Well’ box located on the center table in our `Multi-Purpose’ room.  A volunteer from the Plainfield Senior Citizen's Service Center will assemble these names on a weekly basis and post them on the bulletin board for anyone to contact and send their regards.  The Sunshine Club will also send acknowledgements.


Transportation is available to and from the Center, and to scheduled activities-including food shopping.  Senior members desiring morning van transportation to the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Centershould call (908)753-3506 preferably on the day before the transportation request.  The member may also call the Center between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM on the day of the request (leave a detailed message).  Calls received after 8:30 AM may result in delayed arrival or no transportation at all.  This early morning pick-up will allow you to arrive at the Center between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM.

Rides must be scheduled at least a day in advance.  Please remember to cancel if you will not be coming in.  Consideration to the driver and other passenger’s means being ready before the driver is due.  Continual abuse of transportation may lead to suspension of riding privileges.

For doctors’ appointment and other special concerns, please notify the Center’s transportation worker as soon as possible. [Note:  Who is the Center’s transportation worker?]

Rides can often be arranged one or two weeks in advance with County Para-Transit Program.

In bad weather listen to WERA (1590 AM) for delayed or cancelled transportation.


If you can no longer climb the steps on the senior van or if you use a wheelchair for mobility, the bus is conveniently equipped with a wheelchair lift.  This lift will allow you to remain seated in your wheelchair or gain access into the bus by standing on the wheelchair lift.  To arrange for this service, please review the following procedures:

  1. Call the Center at (908) 753-3506 at least 24 hours in advance with your transportation request. Example:  If you wish to come to the Center on a Wednesday, you must call no later than Tuesday morning to provide us with the following information:
  2. You will use morning transportation (9:15 AM), or,
  3. You will be participating in any of the trips that leave the Senior Center on that day so that we can arrange the appropriate transportation for you.
  4. When you call the Center for your transportation request, you must remind the individual taking your call that you need the wheelchair lift.
  5. The Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Centerwill make every reasonable accommodation to provide you with the wheelchair lift transportation.




Due to many requests, the Senior Center now provides daily transportation home at 1:00PM for clients who prefer a mid-day transport.

The last transport of each day is 3:00PM.



The Center has membership committees, clubs and organizations which meet monthly.  Member participation is greatly encouraged. 

Members are encouraged to join these groups, share their ideas and help.


To meet the needs of Plainfield’s growing Hispanic population, Spanish speaking members and volunteers are encouraged to participate at the Center regularly.  Senior Center literature is available in English and Spanish.


The Center is an alcohol and tobacco free environment.  Alcohol is not permitted on the grounds.  Intoxicated people are asked to leave and may face permanent expulsion.


 The Center schedules a series of programs designed to provide Drug and Alcohol Education to senior Plainfield residents.  The focus is on problems with medicine interactions and on problems of alcohol abuse by the elderly.

The main objectives are to teach the elderly ways of recognizing and coping with these problems in themselves and others.


Older people often use many prescription and over-the-counter medications.  It is important that you tell or supply a list of all your medications to every doctor.

Once a year, review all the medicines you take-both prescription and over-the-counter.  To do this, come to the “brown bag medicine review” at the Center or ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Many alcohol and drug combinations can dangerously multiply the effects of these substances.


Alcohol abuse or alcoholism exists when an individual continues to drink despite the fact that it causes serious problems in any area of his/her life.  The American Medical Association classifies alcoholism as a disease and encourages individuals to seek assistance for treatment or recovery.

Boredom and illness are some of the circumstances that can lead older people to begin to abuse alcohol.  Other people may have a long-standing pattern of alcohol abuse.

There are genetic factors that increase the likelihood of a person becoming an alcoholic.  Sometimes an older person will drink and not eat leading to malnutrition and confusion.


Help can be found from counseling services, self-help groups (such as AA) and Nutritional Therapy. The Senior Center staff has phone numbers, addresses, and meeting lists available to anyone interested.


 Alcohol is a threat to your health.  Excessive drinking causes serious damage to vital organs such as your heart, kidneys, liver, and brain.  As you age these effects take place much faster because your body is less able to process alcohol than when you were younger.  Malnutrition, as a side effect, is often seen in elderly people who drink heavily and do not eat properly.

Alcohol threatens your safety.  Falls and car accidents happen far more often to those who are drinking.

Alcohol threatens your personal relationships.  Alcohol creates conflicts between the drinkers and their families and friends.



Effective immediately, there must be a minimum of eight (8) participants per trip or event.  Unless otherwise stated, the Senior Center requests that you sign up for any trip/event at least 24 hours in advance.  If fewer than 8 participants have signed up, we must have ample time to contact those participants and inform them that the trip/event must be canceled.

In order to get complete information, we encourage you to come in and sign-up for monthly events at the front desk.

  1. There will be no reservations taken for trips or other events prior to the first working day of the month unless such trips and/or events have been announced the month before.
  2. A member may sign-up in person on the first working day of the month. Each member may sign up for him/herself and for one additional person.  No sign-ups will be taken before 9:30 any morning.
  3. Lists of names will not be taken at any time. Additionally, names for reservations may not be left on the desks of staff members or the receptionist..
  4. Checks may be accepted by the Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center when applicable.

A trip committee meets monthly.  Everyone is welcome to participate.

  1. Tickets go on sale at the first of each month. The trips are published in the  senior outlook
  2. To reserve space for van trips, you must register at the transportation desk.
  3. For payment of bus trips, you must go to the front receptionist desk you must receive a receipt, if not please inform the Director at once. You must come in with money, preferably a check or money order, to hold your seat Tickets and space are not reserved until you pay.  A payment schedule can be arranged on trips over $30.00.

We ask our members to remember that when a trip (especially a chartered trip) is advertised to depart at a certain time, the scheduled departure will wait no more than five (5) minutes for latecomers.  If you are detained, please call the Senior Center office at (908)753-3506.  If possible, we will try to make arrangements to hold the bus for a few additional minutes.  However, it is the participant’s responsibility to allow ample time for a trip, i.e., traffic, parking or other potential difficulties in which one may encounter.  The Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center reserves the right to allow a bus to leave within five (5) minutes of the advertised time with or without latecomers.



Out of deep concern for our physically challenged seniors who use assisted devices, the first two rows of seats on the Senior Center buses are reserved for them.  Everyone’s cooperation in this matter is appreciated.  Individuals not honoring this request will be barred from using the Senior Center buses.



When you have signed up for a trip or event (whether paid or free), it is imperative that you notify the Center as soon as possible of any intentions you may have of canceling your reservation.  It is unacceptable for our chauffeurs to become aware of your cancellation upon arrival at your location.

Please do not pass your ticket on to a friend for it is not fair to people on the waiting list.


Please note that refunds take time to process.

  1. Day Trips:

To receive a refund you must notify the Center that you’re canceling at least two days before the trip.  If you do not notify the Center in time, you will not receive a refund, (except in the case of unexpected illness) unless all seats are filled.

  1. Vacation Trips:

Let us know as soon as possible of cancellation.  Refunds will vary depending on the cost to the Center.


Senior Center members who book reservations on any chartered trips sponsored by the Senior Center will be invited to have one non-member of the Senior Center join them for a specific trip.  Guests on chartered trips will pay the same rate as Senior Center members.

Transportation to and from the Senior Center for a specified trip is the responsibility of the member and guest.  This policy does not apply to trips that utilize the Senior Center buses.


We ask that you do not sell items, raffle tickets or solicit funds.  The Center should always be a pleasant place for interaction with one another and where people feel comfortable. The Senior Center does not endorse specific products or companies.  Partisan political activities may not be conducted at the Senior Center. Visits and presentations by elected officials are welcomed.

Staff and volunteers are not allowed to accept tips.


Under guidelines established by the New Jersey Department of Division on Aging (through the Union County Office on Aging) regarding funding to the Plainfield Senior Center, the Center’s primary focus will continue to be on information and referral services in such areas as housing, transportation, crime prevention, Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD), Lifeline, Medicare, Medicaid, SSI, Food Stamps, and numerous other social service programs. 

The Plainfield Senior Citizen’s Service Center is proud of its diverse program agendas.  We will continue to offer health, educational and cultural programs/classes, seminars, and referral services to all who come through our doors daily.  We are committed to making telephone calls to those who cannot come to the Center.  Members please refer any comments to our Sunshine Club or leave a message in our suggestion box.


Members who are eligible and wish to receive surplus commodities through the Center must register for this service.  Information including dates and eligibility will be announced in the Senior Outlook Newsletter, whenever possible.


The Friends of the Plainfield Senior Citizens Center, Inc. runs a bazaar as well as other fund-raising events during the year.  Through these events, members help raise money for special Center needs.  Volunteers are needed to help with these events.

In the Exchange Place members sell items to raise funds for The Friends of the Center.


This program is designed to help you understand and evaluate medical insurance policies which supplement Medicare.  S.H.I.P. volunteers will also help you fill out insurance forms.  An appointment is necessary.


Between February and April 15, Center members can receive free help with simple income tax forms.  Volunteers that are trained and supervised by T.C.E. they will do simple returns by appointments.


The center keeps limited files on available jobs and housing, (apartment, rooms, etc.) and/or people looking for jobs and housing. 


This program delivers hot meals to homebound elderly (aged 60 and over) in Plainfield.  Our Center does this in cooperation with the Union County Division on Aging


Are you caring for an older person who needs help?  Information on services and support groups are available from the Center staff.


The Center has information on volunteer opportunities in the community.  If you would like to become a volunteer, call or see a staff member at the Center.  Some volunteers registered with R.S.V.P. receive some expenses and recognition at annual countywide events.


The Center is a Workforce 55 work site.

Workforce 55+ is a job-based training program for individuals 55 years of age or older who would like to get back into the workforce, learn new job skills or refresh old skills and who are income eligible.
Those who qualify will get a stipend of $7.25 an hour for a maximum of 20 hours per week while they are getting job training at a nonprofit worksite.


The Center is fully wheelchair accessible.

Large print copies of the Senior Center Activities Newsletter (SENIOR OUTLOOK) are available on request.

Every effort will be made to accommodate the special needs of our seniors.


The agency is large and has many services covering a diversity of needs. It has budget limits, and recognizes that its staff is human and imperfect.  With all these complexities, the Center strives to provide the best possible services to the broadcast number of people.  In order to facilitate an optimal system for all, the following procedures for suggestions, questions, and formal complaints are set forth.


In an effort to address concerns brought about by Senior Center members the "Cares Committee" was developed in February 2010.

The purpose of the committee is to listen to the members concerns, suggestions, complaints, ideas and to resolve these items without the involvement of the Center staff or the City Administration.  Neither the Center Director nor the Center staff participated in the development of the rules or election of the committee members.  


Members wishing to contact the Committee concerning items of interest have been advised to do so in writing along with their name, address and telephone number.  The Committee will then contact the member to set up a meeting.  The Committee will also keep the Center Director and/or staff apprised of these meetings to ensure compliance with Center rules and regulations.

In the event there is an item that is unable to be addressed at the Committee level the member may request a meeting with the City Administration. 

The procedure for instances such as these are as follows:

  • The member would meet/communicate with the Center Director and/or staff to address their concerns.
  • The Center Director would inform the Director of AFH&SS If the member does not find the communication/meeting favorable then the member would be advised that they may contact the Director of AFH&SS to express their concerns.
  • The member could meet with the Director of AFH&SS to address their concerns.
  • The Director of AFH&SS would inform the City Administrator if the member does not find the communication/meeting favorable then the member would be advised that they may contact the City Administrator.

Finally, members who have a specific issue relating to the level of service they receive can be referred to Union County's Client Grievance Policy.  This Policy is posted at the Center and Center staff is also available to review and/or discuss this process with the members.


Procedures for Suspending or Expelling a Member:

A member may be suspended for any given period of time or expelled permanently by the Center’s Director.    A written report of reason for the action will be provided to the member being suspended or expelled.

The membership may be asked to vote on the suspension, or expulsion of a member when deemed necessary by the Cares Committee.

Reason for Suspending or Expelling a Member:

A member may be expelled for illegal, antisocial, or continual abusive or harsh behavior which may negatively affect the ability of others to fully enjoy the comfort and safety of the Center.

What are some examples of this?

            Cursing at staff and/or members

Threatening others with bodily harm.

            Stealing items that belong to the Center or to members occupying the Center.

            Smoking or using other tobacco products within the Center.

The Center is an alcohol and tobacco free environment.  Alcohol is not permitted on the grounds.  Intoxicated people are asked to leave and may face permanent expulsion.

  1. If that person wishes to appeal, the matter may be presented to Cares Committee This committee will meet no later than one week after it is requested in writing to the Cares Committee.
  2. If not satisfied, the normal complaint procedure may be followed.

Telephone Usage and personal copies:

The Center will not accept personal or social calls for members unless they are of an emergent nature it is an emergency.  If you must make a telephone call you are required to see the receptionist. The local number will be placed for you.

Staff will not make personal copies of documents nor will the copy machines be made available for personal usage.


Free parking is available in the rear of the building on a first come first serve basis.  Additional on street parking is available at the member’s discretion. Please see the Director for current parking information.


 The Center works closely with the Veterans to provide quality services and benefits to Veterans throughout New Jersey. Monthly meetings are held at the center. Please call the commanders of the Post to receive detailed meeting information.

The Veterans operate a HELP DESK on Wednesdays' to answer your Veteran questions. Professional referral and outreach services to Veterans are provided utilizing public, private, and government organizations.